Google AdWords Phishing – Why are my ads not running?

Folgende eMail mit finsterem Google AdWords Phishing wanderte heute im Laufe des Tages in mein Postfach und ich kann nur sagen VORSICHT:

We stopped running your Google ads this morning (Friday, 24 September 2010, 07:09:50).

Dear AdWords Advertiser,

We had encountered a number of issues when reviewing your ads this morning and we stopped running them. We will review them again and make the necessary changes that will allow to run your ads without any problems.

lightbulbClick here to review your ads and let us know if we made a mistake.

We’ll often stop running your ads until we are able to make the necessary updates. As soon as we made and saved the changes, your ads are automatically resubmitted to us for review.

Please note: If you do not verify the status of your Adwords account and notify us if your ads do not appear online we can not help you and your ads will stay offline for the next few days.

2010. Google is a trademark of Google Inc. All other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated. 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043

Email Preferences: We sent you this email because you have indicated that you are willing to receive AdWords account performance suggestions. If you do not wish to receive emails of this nature in the future, please visit your account’s Communications Preferences page (�- AdWordslogin required). Remove the check beside ‚Customized help and performance suggestions,‘ and click ‚Save Changes.

Es handelt sich dabei um eine Phishingemail, die versucht an eure AdWordsdaten zu kommen und auf eure Kosten Traffic einzukaufen bei Google. Wer sich trotzdem über den Link in der eMail bereits eingeloggt hatte auf der nachgemachten Webseite sollte schnellstens seine Zugangsdaten abändern und sein Konto die nächsten Tage genaustens beobachten, damit es nicht zu teuren CPC-Rechnungen kommt für Traffic, den ihr nie erhalten habt. Ältere Versionen bzw. weitere Varianten von Google AdWords Phishing findet ihr u.a. bei